Saturday, May 3, 2008

Torrential rain

In response to the prompt on Weekend Wordsmith on May 2 2008.

The ground is cracked
People and animals are baked

The breeze is warm
Too much heat can do much harm

Not a cloud in sight
Whether it is black or white

People dance, Animal dance
They all do the rain dance

Doesn't matter what one believes in
All people want is rain to pour in

Suddenly the sky turns black
Seems like clouds are about to crack

Joy spreads amongst all
As they cheer, hug, dance and fall

They vow to save precious water
Incase a need arises, they can use it for later

Down it poured and poured
The torrential rain

Not stopping at all
For days together

People are in flux again
Did they do too much of rain dance

What sort of joke is nature playing?
From draught to flood, the times are trying.


Crafty Green Poet said...

this reminds me of when I was in Malawi and a rain dance worked too well...

June said...

Yes, it's tough to go from one extreme to the other, and lately it seems the weather has done just that. I enjoyed your verse very much.

Daisy said...

Frustrating when that happens - not sure that you meant it to be but this poem was almost fun! Thanks!

aMus said...

They all do the rain dance
...seems like i'm doing that here...its just not raining here!!! :(

nice poem, J

Sumana said...

Nice poem. Reminded me of the song scene in Lagaan

little wing writer said...

...spoken so well, felt as if i was there..