Friday, January 18, 2019

The Glass Door

In response to Friday Fictioneer


"Idiot, you got us into trouble," shouted the big brother.

"How's it my fault? You bowled so slow," defended the younger brother.

"You should have batted carefully, you silly goose. Quick help me fix it."

"What's going on down here?," said mom concernedly as she came down the stairs.

 "Everything is just  fine," said the big brother trying to stagger her.

She pushed him away to see the younger brother putting the last duct tape.

"How many times have I told you not to play inside?," screamed the mom annoyingly.

"At least it was a sixer," beamed the younger brother.


Violet Lentz said...

Boys will be boys!! Nice write.

Michael Wynn said...

Ah that takes me back to my childhood days

Iain Kelly said...

Indoor cricket is always going to have it's drawbacks! :-)

Dale said...

Wresling in front of the door works, too...