Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Overview

In response to Friday Fictioneer, Apr 27 2018 (

"Is this a joke? I need scenic overview shots of the hiking trail", my manager stormed into my cubicle.

He sat on the chair opposite to me with his flesh bulging out a bit on the sides.

"I hike here every weekend and I sent my favorite spot", I responded surprised.

"4 legs, rough skin,  open mouth, smoke, green fur."

"The image scanner app concluded that?"

"Yes. Did you upload a picture of an insect?", he asked.

"No." I swiped through my pictures in cellphone and stopped at an amazing shot.

"You get the best sunset view here", I responded.

Monday, April 23, 2018

The Chemistry Test

In response to Sunday Photo Fictioner (

"I need to do well",  I said to myself preparing my lab table.

Today was the last day of final exams. Tomorrow, I would be joining the "Pediatric Ophthalmologist for Techie Kids" as a technician. I really need to pass my chemistry lab test today to get my degree. The beakers and conical flasks rattled as I placed them on the table. The lab door squeaked open. I wiped my sweaty hands in a towel and put up my best smile. 

The examiner entered and shook my hands, "Wow, you are cold for a 90 degree weather outside."

He asked me to walk up to a table standing at the far end of the room. "Identify whats in the 3 glasses."

My brain had all the elements and compounds jumbled up.

I finally muttered, "The purple has potassium, the yellow solution is Sodium Chloride and the blue has copper." The examiner seemed pleased. So I continued, "The air pressure on the glasses put different weight due to volume of the solution and since the liquid is also evaporating, the solutions seems tilted."

He looked puzzled "Eh?"

"The tilt in the glasses, Sir"

"What tilt? You need your eyes examined".

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Disc Golf Basket

In response to Friday Fictioneer, Apr 20 2018

Spot looked around, whimpering softly.

His mom hugged with her paws, "You will be fine in your home."

"Yeah! It's fun to chase everyone", his brother bawled. "Especially the birds who live in that thing with chains around."

"Its called a cage, silly", his mom corrected.

"What is a cage, mom?", Spot asked.

"Its a container for pets not like us", his brother guffawed, "but I guess you only need a cup."

Spot saw a cage coming towards him. He started shivering and his paws became sweaty.

"Him", said the cute cherubic girl with cage like earrings looking at him affectionately.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Piece

In response to Friday Fictioneer, Apr 12 2018 (

"Look what I found", Jan 105003 exclaimed as she zoomed into Aug205006's space. "What?", her brother roller his eyes. "I am trying to finish my project."

"Its called a photo album and this is the house where great grand-dad and mamma lived", Jan105005 continued.

"It does not work."

"It does not click. You are supposed to flip the page."

"They were given names and not autogenerated at time of birth?", Aug205006 exclaimed. "And there are different parts of the house?"

"", Jan105003 read out loud.

Aug205006's eyes widened. "That's the piece I am missing in my time machine."  

Friday, April 13, 2018

What's for dinner?

"Can I have something else?" I hear this every day, more than the greeting. In spite of a myriad of snacks and savories available at home, the child will always ask for something not at home. For dinner options, I hear back "I have it every day." That seems very odd to me since the first time I would have made for the child would have been 2 weeks back. "The problem with you is you over cook". Ok, so a recipe cannot repeat in 15 days. It needs to be cooked only when the taste buds has forgotten it completely. Innovation has always been a challenge and fascination to the mankind. However, cuisine innovation everyday stretches it too far. As the weekend comes closer, my mind boggles and juggles with all the meal choices for the next couple of days. Hopefully this new recipe in which has been just been posted satisfies the hunger and expectations today. As my mom always said, we always win a person's heart via stomach.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Outside the Window

The sun was slowly setting, painting the sky a hue of orange and purple. There was a light breeze as soft clouds floated by. The weather was perfect for an evening stroll. A small boy was running in circles while his mother was trying her best to be close to him. A young man, beaming with pride and carrying two balloons which said "Its a boy" and "Its a girl" was walking towards the hospital entrance. She enjoyed looking at life outside the window. The sun had done its work today and given hope and life  to many on the Earth. Now it was time for it to rest. She looked away from the window and at the bed. It seemed to tell a similar story.