Monday, February 25, 2008

Second Chance

At the crossroads, waiting to decide
There is neither wrong, nor right

Two junctures, each leading its way
All I need to do is follow the pathway

Hoping to find myself
In the life's eternal gulf

Things seem to be so near
and yet so far

To set things straight
Life, can you give me one more chance?


anthonynorth said...

The trials of life, and the chances we hope for.
Well said.

Anonymous said...

lovely poignant words...we can really feel it....we all crave it in our lives for that mystic second chance which is so enigmatic....beautiful lines!

aMus said...

or, perhaps we give life a second chance?

nice poem, joy...:)

Keith's Ramblings said...

It's all about making the most of the path we choose. There's o way of knowing how different things might have been if we'd followed the other path.

Keith's Ramblings said...
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Jaya said...

AnthonyNorth: We always need to keep a check on our expectations and imagniations.

FlyingStars: You have said it so well :)

TA: Your one sentence speaks volumes. You are right.

Keith Hillman: Yes, it is all in our minds. We also have no way of knowing how things could have been rigth if we followed the other path :) But I totally agree with you. Thanks.