Monday, March 24, 2008

I just don't get it

Response to the prompt on Sunday Scribbles on March 20 2008.

This happens every week without fail and I am completely baffled. I see no logic, no rhyme and no reason but there is nothing I can do to stop it. Every weekend, when I do my laundry, I invariably lose one sock. I just end up buying more white and black socks. For some reasons, the colored ones are spared. Nowadays, most socks are ambidextrous, as in, can be worn by either foot. I try to pair up the socks which have attainted bachelorhood but they never match up because of the difference in shades! So, now I have 5 single white socks and 6 singled black ones. They are all of the same color but if you look at them closely, you can see that they are indeed different. The more I think about it, the more I am confirmed that socks resemble fingerprints. Even though human hands seem similar, we are unique with our fingerprints. Maybe one day, sock would be our identity and can replace signature and fingerprints!

The more confusing part, however, is what is the washing machine doing with one sock? Does it eat it, hide it, wear it and why? I shudder to think if I have a monster at my home, that too, a one legged since it always takes one sock away and doesn't even bother to touch a stocking.

I just don't get it.


aMus said...

lol...j, that was such a cute post...

a monster with a penchant for socks...shudder, shudder :D

Pirate Princess said...

*grin* I thought it was a gnome taking off with them, or the Borrowers.... :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love this post!

The sock in the washing machine mystery is indeed ageless.

I still haven't solved it!

And, in my case, it is always the guy's socks. When my daughter was young and wore socks, strangely hers never disappeared!


Cherie said...

Well done ... one of the great mysteries of the world ... love your post ;)

Granny Smith said...

Do you suppose there is a conspiracy to produce these washing machines (and dryers too) that consume vast numbers of socks? Could it be an attempt to stimulate the economy by requiring millions of people to invest in new pairs of socks that match?

I love this post!