Monday, March 10, 2008


In response to Writer's Island prompt "Rising" on March 7 2008.

Sieving the flour
Beating the eggs
Griding the sugar
Adding the vanilla essence
Mixing them all
Pouring the batter in a mould
Putting the mould in the hot oven
Mouth watering and beaming faces
What can be more pleasurable
Than seeing a cake rising!


Keith's Ramblings said...

Licking out the bowl! Bliss

Tumblewords: said...

Cute - Not a cook, I'd rather see it risen and frosted already! Grin. Enjoyable read!

Gazal said...

all rise for the cake!!!

indeed such a relief to see the cake rise!!!

thanks for all the lovely words on my post.keep visiting

Jaya said...

Keith, You said it. :)

Tumblewords: Welcome here. Thanks

Gazal: So true. You take care.

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh excellent take on the prompt! I've not baked a cake for too long...

aMus said... so cute....time for me to bake a cake...:D