Monday, May 7, 2018

The Stairs

In response to the Friday Fictioneer - May 4 2018

"Almost done", Aug205006  exclaimed excitedly to his sister over their video com. "This will help us run into safety if a zombie apocalypse from the Death Star happens."

"You believe in crazy things", Jan105003 replied, "I wanted to show you this from the e-library."

She came closer to the camera and was stunned at what she saw. "These stairs..."

"... will lead us to the capsule which will travel us to the new planet, Pluto", Aug205006 replied turning around to face her.

"Where did you ?"

"From the archives. Its a picture of Machu Pichu, which holds Lost city of Incas", she responded.


Susan A Eames said...

Ha ha - liked your unusual take on the photo prompt! :)

Susan A Eames at
Travel, Fiction and Photos

Jaya said...

@Susan A Eames, Thanks . Glad you liked it.

Linda said...

Machu Picchu! Of course! I should have known :)