Thursday, May 29, 2008
Anu was happy with where she was in her life. She had worked hard for this and had never quit in the trying times. The phrase that her mom used to tell her in younger days was etched in her mind "Winner don't quit and losers don't win". But things seem to have changed lately. Her encouragement and suggestions was taken as intervention. Her aggressiveness and eagerness was translated to desperation. It dawned on her that people who always looked upon her, have grown up and can take care of themselves. She realized the feeling, the one her friends had been talking, which she ignored - a feeling of unwanted-ness. On closer look, it seemed like a feeling to liberation - to go ahead and live life in her terms and let the world take care of itself. She understood a greater message of life - "Winners know when to quit, losers don't".
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Mac generally used to like this stretch of the road, which had one lane. For some reasons, it used to remind him of the small town he grew up. It had been 20 years since he left his town, trying to make a career in the city. In many ways he was successful but he lacked the aggressiveness that would have taken him three rungs up the corporate ladder than where he is today. He glanced in his rear mirror and saw a car tailgating him, desperately trying to make him drive faster. It always happened at this time when he and people from his neighborhood are driving back home. These things never used to bother him much. As soon as the road became little wider with one more lane, the car behind overtook him. He sensed the desperation in the eyes of his young neighbor who was driving the speeding car. In the next 3 minutes, 5 cars overtook him, glaring at him before they passed. In an impulse, he pressed the accelerator pedal hard and raced ahead of all the six cars that over took him. While doing so, he glanced at each one of them and saw the surprised look of the drivers. The neighbors for the first time in their life had seen Mac speak.
Monday, May 19, 2008
He was just 2 years old. He understood the world as good as his mom and dad but could not make them understand. One day his dad got a nice remote control plane to fly. He and his equally excited dad went outside to try it out. The weather was perfect - sunny, bright and the wind in just the right direction to make the plane go up high. His dad tried couple of times but the plane would launch and swirl down almost immediately. He was trying to tell his dad to position the plane little higher and press the button with a pressure towards down. But all his dad heard was his squeaks and shrills. His dad tried to calm him down saying he needed to concentrate on the plane fly but finally giving in to the little boy's persistent squeaks. He stood in the little chair that his dad got for him and tilted the plane and pressed the button just right. Together, they saw the plane soar up 20 feet high in the air, do a triple summersault before landing in the ground.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
He placed the phone receiver back in its cradle. Now there was no turning back. She wished if he could think again, just one last time before parting ways. She enjoyed being with him and that was all she ever wished for. But with time, he has changed. She remembered her earlier days with him, when he could take very good care of her. He would lavishly spend money on her to ensure she was comfortable and looking bright and shiny. His friends too adored her. She had accompanied them to their various excursions and loved being a part of their group.
But his marriage changed everything. At their very first meeting, his wife disliked her. It was clear that she had to go away. She knew she was growing old and could not compete anymore. Once she was beautiful and widely admired but now, there others that people ogled. But still, she could not help feeling bad. She was faithful to him and had never caused any trouble. She wondered if he felt the same way or had he forgotten all the memories they had shared together. Finally the door bell rang. A young college student entered and smiled at her before taking the car keys from him and driving her off.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Torrential rain
The ground is cracked
People and animals are baked
The breeze is warm
Too much heat can do much harm
Not a cloud in sight
Whether it is black or white
People dance, Animal dance
They all do the rain dance
Doesn't matter what one believes in
All people want is rain to pour in
Suddenly the sky turns black
Seems like clouds are about to crack
Joy spreads amongst all
As they cheer, hug, dance and fall
They vow to save precious water
Incase a need arises, they can use it for later
Down it poured and poured
The torrential rain
Not stopping at all
For days together
People are in flux again
Did they do too much of rain dance
What sort of joke is nature playing?
From draught to flood, the times are trying.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Carrying a grudge
Eli knew it was time to talk to Leo. She would not have been able to do so if her mom was around. Both families have been carrying grudges for years ever since Eli's grandfather was killed by Leo's grandfather. Those were different times, when they had more power, freedom and land. Now times had changed and they were dependent on others. She hated getting orders and acting upon them. She had observed Leo too had humbled in the last couple of years. Time has a way of leveling power, anger and hatred. He seemed to be longing for freedom, just like her. After the show, she went to him and they acted quickly, broke the bars and ran away to the nearby wilderness, which held their lives, their freedom. News flashed quickly into CNN and other news media that Eli the elephant and Leo the lion were missing from the Royal Circus. The media cautioned people to take necessary precautions to protect themselves. Little did they know that Eli and Leo had run away from them to the nearest jungle, far away from human habitat, never to return back.
Monday, April 28, 2008
She was tired, exhausted but stilll pretty excited. The ground was hot and the breeze, being warm, did not help in feeling refreshed. Though she was a foreigner here, this place gave her some peace and serenity. In the 10 days that she spent here, there is some calmness in the whole chaos of life. She has read and heard that sometimes one’s own land does not give the peace that one is looking for. That's the reason, places are explored and discovered.
Today she was flying back to her country and she wanted to buy some souvenirs for herself and her dear ones. Even before coming here, she had spent lot of time knowing the local language and culture. She knew exactly what the locals eat, what they wear, what they celebrate, how much the local stuff cost.
She entered a shop, where the two shopkeepers immediately started luring her into buying the stuff what was displayed in the store. There was couple of things she wanted to buy and asked them for the price. They, thinking she is a foreigner and not knowing any local knowledge, quoted prices 10 times higher. She felt outrageous. She realized irrespective of how much she accepts the place, the locals will always try to take advantage of her because of her face. Gaining herself, she spoke to them calmly in their local language, that she was planning to buy lots of stuff but now she feels cheated even without buying anything. The shopkeepers were stunned hearing her speak their language so flawlessly. They stood speechless as they watched her walk away.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Waiting all these years
For this moment to realize
Eyes glistened with tears of triumph
Thinking that the battle has been finally won
There is peace in heart
And tranquility prevails for most part
The moment leaves sooner that it arrives
When the reality descends and makes the life
The mind is in a flux again
Trying to figure out which is more difficult
Living a life without purpose
Or knowing the purpose and surviving the life without it
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Take me back
She was feeling miserable. All her friends got attention and she was left out. She missed going out. The last party she attended was 5 years back, which she enjoyed thoroughly. She looked pretty in red and white beads. Everyone had appreciated her and one cute guy had liked her a lot. She felt thrilled. But now, she was stuck in the same place for all these years while her friends kept going out and coming back. She especially felt lousy, when they chirpily narrated all the day's events. She missed all that fun. She had looked longingly into her owner's eyes to take her back and wear her but her owner had gained weight since her marriage to that cute guy. Now, she just hangs as a pretty dress in the closet. Suddenly, she hears footsteps. All her friends - shirts, skirts, trousers, long dresses start to shriek. They know today is an important day and were wondering who would be chosen by their owner to be worn. She, feeling bored and deprived, hung quietly in the corner. The closet opened and the owner ran her fingers to the various dresses hanging inside. Her friends giggled at the soft touch of the hands. Finally, the owner reached out and pulled the pretty red dress. She was bewildered. She didn't know today she would be chosen for the important occasion to be worn. Then she realized no other dress could have been more appropriate for their 5th anniversary celebration that the one which had brought them together 5 years back.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Anu was from a well to do family. Both her parents were doctors. Her elder sister was an eminent architect and her elder brother was doing PhD in a well known university. She was bred in success and achievements since her childhood. So, it was no surprise when she joined the Harvard Business School for her MBA program. Many entrepreneurs from different parts of the world have graduated from this school. She had a good academic record and it was meritorious that she got into the school with a full scholarship. US was a new land to her. Though she was born and brought up half the globe apart, she quickly adapted to the new US school culture. Harvard hosted intellects from different parts of the world and maybe that's why she did not take time to adjust. Intellectual minds, despite of various culture and backgrounds, think alike. Though she never dealt with the fear that millions of children around the world face everyday, the only fear she had in her heart was of losing. In her family there was no choice of coming second or losing an opportunity. She graduated in the year of 2001 and expected to embark a promising career. But the US economy had plunged into recession and the world was following it. Initially, she was taken aback and was on the verge of depression but her father encouraged her to see the positive side of life. She kept looking but the job kept evading her. More personal setbacks followed. She learnt the reality of life and understood that things don't happen to others. It can happen to anyone, including herself, in spite of a brilliant background she possessed. In the times of job searching and dealing with personal disasters, she learnt to face life raw and be at par with her expectations and what life offers. Today as she reads the offer letter from New York Times for a news reporter, she smiles realizing that in the last three years, life had taught one of the most important lessons of her life time - to be FEARLESS.
Monday, April 14, 2008
In response to Writer's Island prompt on April 10 2008
I must be 4 years old when I first saw that flight of stairs. I was in Kindergarten and I noticed the spiral staircase which used to take the kids to the 1st grade and 2nd grade. The other classes were located in the next building in the same campus. I had seen older kids sliding down instead of taking the stairs down. It was a scary thing to do and had seen them getting scolded by the teachers but it surely seemed fun. I had an urge to slide down myself but knew that I was small and was afraid of being caught by a teacher. We used to live on first floor (ground floor in asian context) and did not have to climb stairs to reach home. Later, I did live in a second floor (first floor in asian context) apartment where I needed to climb the stairs to reach home. Now I live in a home which has internal stairs to lead us to the bedrooms. These stairs are wooden and frail and I am too scared that I might break them by just climbing up and down, forget the sliding. But I did experience a different way of coming down the stairs last year. I did not slide down. I tumbled down, not once, not twice but thrice down the stairs.
Friday, April 4, 2008
The Photograph
One of the non-regular games I enjoy is to guess how an adult looked when (s)he was a kid. Few years back, we had fun playing it at my friend's baby shower. The baby photos were passed with a number tagged to them. Each one of us had to write down in a piece of paper the photo number and the person's name. We laughed hard hearing all the wrong guesses. The one to take the cake was the photograph my friend's husband guessed to be of my friend in her babyhood. The guess was obviously wrong and the most interesting part was the photo belonged to a boy!
Lost Highway
I have always enjoyed driving on roads and err, finding my way to the destination. Few years back, my company physically changed its location. For my first day to work at the new location, I took the printouts of the directions both in text and graphical form. I also had my cell phone charged to full incase I need to call H for help. I had to take a highway and then lots of country roads. My office was located on the road named "King George Road". After few phone calls and mid way to my destination, I saw a turn for King George Road. I was surprised as I thought I had another 15 miles to go. I took the turn thinking I had discovered a shorter route. After a long curvy trail and couple of turns, the road finally ended in an apartment complex with no outlet. I was trying to figure out how to get back to the highway, when I saw a nice lady taking out her car. I approached her and she told me the way to get back on the highway. Understanding that I had completely lost my way, she took something from her bag saying "This would definitely help you find your way." I thought she was really kind enough to give me a map when she handed me a sacred book.
Maybe I should have told her that I was physically and not spiritually lost.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Déjà vu
She held the tiny arms of her daughter as they enter the school together. She could not believe that she now has a kid who is to start school. She remembered three decades back, when she waved her mom goodbye from the school bus window. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she was screaming to be home. Life had been fine to her. With whatever setbacks she faced, she was able to make some of her mom's dreams come true and she was very happy and relieved at it. Today, when her own daughter is taking the first step into the world of education, she dreams of what she wants her daughter to become. Suddenly she stops in her mind and smiles. After all these years, she realized her motive in life. She is going to help her daughter achieve her own dreams.
Monday, March 24, 2008
I just don't get it
This happens every week without fail and I am completely baffled. I see no logic, no rhyme and no reason but there is nothing I can do to stop it. Every weekend, when I do my laundry, I invariably lose one sock. I just end up buying more white and black socks. For some reasons, the colored ones are spared. Nowadays, most socks are ambidextrous, as in, can be worn by either foot. I try to pair up the socks which have attainted bachelorhood but they never match up because of the difference in shades! So, now I have 5 single white socks and 6 singled black ones. They are all of the same color but if you look at them closely, you can see that they are indeed different. The more I think about it, the more I am confirmed that socks resemble fingerprints. Even though human hands seem similar, we are unique with our fingerprints. Maybe one day, sock would be our identity and can replace signature and fingerprints!
The more confusing part, however, is what is the washing machine doing with one sock? Does it eat it, hide it, wear it and why? I shudder to think if I have a monster at my home, that too, a one legged since it always takes one sock away and doesn't even bother to touch a stocking.
I just don't get it.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
That's what I heard
It was 8:30 am as Anu glanced at the clock in her office phone. Even though the day had just begun, she felt fatigue. For the past few weeks, she had been working late nights to get the work done. Ever since her promotion four months back to Software Manager, she had had very little time for herself and her family. Too many requirements pouring in from customers and all seem to be in high sense of urgency. She knew she had to do this for sometime till the company where she worked, starts reaping profits and go public.
She was going to have an important meeting with the Area Manager and the Chief Sales Executive of the company shortly. She and her team had worked extremely hard to finish the requirements given by fivecustomers. Since all of them need to be released in a very short period of time, they are maintaining five versions of the software product. Maintaining multiple versions is not prudent but in a scenario like this, there was not much choice.
She entered the conference room with her two colleagues. When she started her presentation, she felt more confident and in control. Her colleagues seem to be pleased with the results. She said "We would be giving five versions and the sales team has to be well versed with all". At this comment, the Chief Sales Executive seemed to smile while the Area Manager had a confused look. She carried on with her presentation and in the end, emphasized the fact that they will never have five versions ever as it had been extremely difficult in maintaining them. The Area Manager finally getting the context, said - "Oh, did you say five versions of the product? I misheard. That's what I was wondering why were you giving five virgins to the sales team!"
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sieving the flour
Beating the eggs
Griding the sugar
Adding the vanilla essence
Mixing them all
Pouring the batter in a mould
Putting the mould in the hot oven
Mouth watering and beaming faces
What can be more pleasurable
Than seeing a cake rising!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Time Machine
It is with me always, it's my mind
Takes me back to my younger days
When life was fun and we had our ways
Lets me relive the moments I treasure
And makes me smile with joy and pleasure
Take me to the crossroads where I had to decide
Hoping that life will be in my side
Peeking into the future with hope and wonder
Wishing that the seeds sown now will bloom into flower
Time is a great teacher and life is a big mystery
With a right mind, I hope to complete this journey.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Second Chance
There is neither wrong, nor right
Two junctures, each leading its way
All I need to do is follow the pathway
Hoping to find myself
In the life's eternal gulf
Things seem to be so near
and yet so far
To set things straight
Life, can you give me one more chance?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Six-word memoir from Weekend Wordsmith
Distant Dreams, Hopeful Heart, Preparing Celebrations!